Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 25 January, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Help stamp out bushfire arson and reckless fires

Greater Shepparton City Council is encouraging locals to help Crime Stoppers keep Victoria safe from deliberately and recklessly lit bush and grass fires.

Deliberately and recklessly lit bushfires and grass fires can destroy communities, infrastructure, livestock and human life. No matter whether it’s deliberately or recklessly lit, the consequences of a bushfire can be devastating.

Starting a bushfire, whether recklessly or deliberately, is a crime.

It’s up to everyone to prevent bushfires and keep Victoria safe this bushfire season.

You can help prevent bushfires this summer. 

Be mindful of your activities during fire danger periods – it could be your actions that result in loss of life or property damage.

Reckless conduct can be a range of actions such as failing to properly extinguish a campfire, using cutting, grinding or welding equipment that emits a spark, or lighting a fire on a total fire ban day.

It’s up to you to know the rules during fire danger periods and in fire prone areas.


What if you see something that could lead to a bushfire?

If you see behaviour, either reckless or deliberate, that could lead to a bushfire, it’s up to you to report it. Take note of details including:

  • Descriptions of anyone involved, including those who might have entered or left the scene of a fire.
  • Descriptions of any suspicious vehicles.
  • The time and location that the fire started.

If you record the details straight away the more accurate they are likely to be- and the more helpful the information will be to police. Your information could be the key to helping the police prevent a bushfire.

Report suspicious behaviour confidentially by calling Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or report online.

If you see smoke or fire, call Triple Zero (‘000’) immediately.

If you see something or know something, say something.

Crime Stoppers is a not-for-profit organisation. Donate online to help us keep Victoria safe.

Who to contact in an emergency

If you are in an emergency situation call 000.


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