There will be a flag raising ceremony, wreath laying and at the end of the ceremony there will be a commemorative walk to LaTrobe University.
The Greater Shepparton Sorry Day Commemoration event has been organised in partnership between the Shepparton Region Reconciliation Group, Rumbalara Aboriginal Co Operative, Greater Shepparton City Council, Yorta Yorta National Aboriginal Corporation and La Trobe University.
The ceremony forms part of Reconciliation Week activities in the area, running from 27 May – 3 June 2017.
Background to Sorry Day
In 2010, ‘Sorry’ was written in the sky above 500,000 Australians walking across the Harbour Bridge. Sorry Day is now commemorated nationally with thousands of Australians from all walks of life participating in memorial services, commemorative meetings, survival celebrations and community gatherings to honour the stolen generations.
Event details
Date: Friday 26 May
Time: 10.15-11.15am Sorry Day Commemoration
Followed by a commemorative walk along Fryers St to La Trobe University where a BBQ lunch will be provided.
Venue: Monash Park – Next to Senior Citizens Clubrooms.
Enquiries: For more information contact Bobby 0434 279 652 or Deirdre 5821 6600