Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 3 February, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Join the local Community Voice Ice Action Group

The use of Crystal Methamphetamine or Ice within Greater Shepparton has been a concerning trend within our municipality, one which has far reaching affects across the community.

Are you concerned about the impact of Ice within Greater Shepparton? Have you or someone you know been affected by Ice? Here's your chance to join the Greater Shepparton Community Voice Ice Action Group.

In November 2016 the Victorian Government awarded funding through the Victorian Ice Action Plan to the Greater Shepparton Community Ice Response Project (GSCRIPS).

The Greater Shepparton Ice Response Project is seeking expressions of interest across Greater Shepparton from community members wanting to be involved in the Community Voice Ice Action Group.

This group’s aim is to provide a voice to community member been affected by Ice and presents the opportunity for the community to develop a community led response to the issue of Ice within Greater Shepparton.

An Information and feedback session for the Community Voice Ice Action Group will be held Thursday 9 February Between 5:30pm to 7:30pm at Shepparton Senior Citizens Centre (132 Welsford Street) with a light supper provided.

RSVP to or (03) 5832 9792 by 12noon 6 February

For more information on the Victorian Government’s Ice Action Plan see:


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