Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 22 October, 2021. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Let’s go MAD Shopping Greater Shepparton!

Greater Shepparton residents and visitors are encouraged to ‘Make A Difference’ to our region’s businesses and services and go ‘MAD Shopping’ from this weekend through until the end of November.

As COVID-19 restrictions ease, many businesses have re-opened their doors to commence their recovery and bounce back from a challenging year. Businesses are ready to safely welcome back customers and serve the community. The Greater Shepparton Business Working Group is working to assist with recovery efforts and are asking customers from across the region to ‘Make a Difference’ (MAD) with their purchases and shop local.

To go ‘MAD Shopping’ shoppers need to purchase items or a service from participating Greater Shepparton businesses, then simply share their shopping experience on their social media accounts to go into a weekly draw to WIN a prize for our prize pool!

Simply PURCHASE an item from a participating business, POST to your Facebook or Instagram telling your friends and family where you went MAD Shopping.
Participants need to include in their post #MADShopping, tag the business where you went shopping and tag @greatersheppartongreatthings. By using the social media tags your entry will be picked up by the MAD Shopping marketing team and you will go in the draw to WIN.

The MAD Shopping initiative provides retailers an opportunity to welcome back customers who are ready to spend. Retailers and shoppers alike can take advantage of special offers and promotions on social media.

“This is a win:win initiative for shoppers and our businesses,’ said Greater Shepparton Greater Business Working Group Chair Simon Quattrocchi.

“The community have worked hard staying safe from the devastating effects of COVID-19 and MAD Shopping is away to thank our community for their efforts while assisting to rebuild, bolster our economy, support workers and protect local businesses.”

Partnerships and Marketing Coordinator, Liz Connick said the aim of MAD Shopping was to help Make a Difference to local businesses.

“Encouraging shoppers to once again walk in the doors of local shops, be greeted with a smile and great service and know that they are reinvigorating sales for our Greater Shepparton businesses so they can stay in business,” said Ms Connick.

“What better way to make a difference while shopping then sharing the love on social media and letting others in the community know what great buys are out there whether it’s in Shepparton, Mooroopna, Tatura, Dookie or Murchison.”

Keep an eye on the Greater Shepparton Great Things social media pages and website: to see which businesses have MAD Shopping deals and what purchases would mean the most to them.

 “As we know the wave of lockdowns have hit our local businesses hard with many resorting to purchasing online, but now Greater Shepparton is open for business and together we can increase sales directly to help keep local businesses busy and our economy strong. The campaign is available to all Greater Shepparton businesses and services and we are already pleased to see some fantastic MAD Shopping offers coming through, but there is still time for businesses to get on board.”  

We encourage all Greater Shepparton businesses and services to join the free campaign visit Great Things Happen Here

Shoppers can visit the Great Things Happen Here website, head to the Shop page to see participating businesses, their offers and the amazing prize pool. 

For more information and terms and conditions please visit Great Things Happen Here.


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