Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 1 July, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Major projects presentation to federal government

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Dennis Patterson and Director Community Kaye Thomson recently travelled to Canberra to discuss three major projects with the Federal Government for which funding is required.

Cr Patterson and Ms Thomson met with the Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss and two advisers along with representatives from Moira, Campaspe and Loddon Shires to discuss funding requirements for major capital works projects.

Ms Thomson said the Deputy Prime Minister was very receptive to the projects which included the Shepparton Bypass of the GV Highway, Shepparton CBD upgrades and the new art museum project.

“The visit was an opportunity to make sure the government is aware of the major infrastructure requirements for our region over the next five to 10 years,” said Ms Thomson.

“The Bypass project has been on the agenda since 1995 and is not progressing. We really want to see the Federal and State governments commit to supporting this important road project.”

“The CBD revitalisation funding is required for developments of Maude Street from Vaughan to High Street, the bus interchange at Maude and Vaughan Streets, the Shepparton Railway Station precinct and Maude Street Mall redevelopment,” said Ms Thomson. “This is a significant development which will transform our CBD but Council needs funding from both State and Federal Governments.”

“The third discussion point was funding for the construction of the new art museum for Shepparton which has been endorsed by Council,” said Ms Thomson. “This project will add significant economic stimulus to Shepparton.”

Greater Shepparton City Mayor, Dennis Patterson said it was time that Greater Shepparton received a fair share of government funding. “A comparison of the Greater Shepparton region with other major regional centres demonstrates that Shepparton received minimal direct funding for key infrastructure in the current budget cycle,” said Cr Patterson.

“With Shepparton’s population forecast to grow to 77,800 by 2031 according to the Hume Regional Growth Plan, we just don’t have the appropriate level of infrastructure to support that growth,” said Cr Patterson. “We really need to see the government committing to the growth and development of our region.”

Ms Thomson said the Deputy Prime Minister provided some valuable feedback and Council will continue to provide submissions to the National Infrastructure Fund to obtain the funding.


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