Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 19 September, 2018. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Mall option four endorsed at Council meeting

Greater Shepparton City Council has endorsed the option for a shared streetscape in the redevelopment of the Maude Street Mall at the September Ordinary Council Meeting.

Option #4

The recommendation noted the four conceptual designs for the Mall and that public consultation has taken place with feedback from this consultation forming part of the criteria used to identify the best option for redevelopment.

Council voted to adopt Option Four – A Shared Streetscape – as the preferred design and progress to detailed design in conjunction with a business case on the adopted option. The detailed design work will examine opportunities to utilise existing infrastructure where possible and provide a plan for staging of construction.

A business case analysis will provide Council with a more detailed understanding of the project’s benefits and the return on investment for the project.

Deputy Mayor, Cr Seema Abdullah said “the business case is a standard process for significant Council projects to ensure that ratepayer’s money is being spent in a responsible way. Business cases are required for most State and Federal government funding applications.”

The detailed design and business case would be expected to be completed by the end of 2019 subject to the appointment of the design contractor. The timeline for construction will be determined through the detailed design process with a potential construction period of up to 12 months. Commencement of the work will be determined by the availability of additional funding support.

The cost estimate developed as part of the conceptual design work for Option Four is $16.4m. More accurate costings will be obtained through the detailed design process as the overall scope of works is refined.

“Council is actively advocating for funding support for this project through State and Federal Government,” said Cr Abdullah.

In total 1,039 responses were received as part of the survey process and using a preference ranking of survey respondents the variance between the four options was low. “Whilst Option 3 was ranked most popular with shoppers, the results from community feedback were so close there was no clear direction. There were other criteria taken into account to determine the best option,” said Cr Abdullah.

“These included staging, relevant examples of pedestrian malls, vehicle access, car parking and retention of public space, investment attraction and industry trends,” she said. “Taking into account all factors, option four received more combined first and second preference votes than Option 3. It also takes a more balanced approach to the key issues and themes from within the consultation data.”

Option 4 was developed as a result of the initial feedback received from the other three options and is combination of the ideas and elements from these other three options. “Option 4 also allows for future proofing of the area – if industries and consumer demands and habits continue to change this option is more adaptable for the future,” said Cr Abdullah.

The redevelopment of the Maude Street Mall design is part of Council’s broader CBD Revitalisation Project which includes previous work at Vaughan Street, current works at Maude Street Bus Interchange and streetscape, the railway precinct, a connection to the new SAM and the new Law Courts.



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