Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 31 January, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Mayor welcomes state support for SPCA

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor Cr Jenny Houlihan has welcomed the show of support from Victorian Premier, Dr Denis Napthine, and Leader of the Opposition, Daniel Andrews.

Dr Napthine visited Shepparton this morning to meet first with Cr Houlihan, GSCC councillors and CEO Gavin Cator before heading off to SPCA for discussions with the food processor. Dr Napthine pledged support for local growers and the fruit industry saying the State Government will work with SPCA and Coca Cola Amital to look at ‘Plan B' options.

Dr Napthine stated he believes there is a strong future for the Goulburn Valley built on the fruit and food industry and the State Government will look at options with SPCA to "look after this community and this region". Cr Houlihan said it was encouraging to see the Premier visit the region the day after the devastating announcement that no funding would come from the Federal Government.

She was also pleased to meet with the Leader of the Opposition, Daniel Andrews, in the afternoon. "It was interesting to hear him say to the media that he would have provided the $25m financial support requested by SPCA if the Labour party had been in government."

"Yesterday's news was quite devastating for our community so it is good to see that we have support from the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition for a positive future for the fruit industry," said Cr Houlihan. "It is now a matter of discussions between SPCA and the State Government which will hopefully lead to a better outcome."

"This is a strong, involved community and we look forward to working together to ensure our future."


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