Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 7 September, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

New SAM architecture competition popular

The architecture competition for a new SAM has attracted 88 applications through Greater Shepparton City Council’s tendering process.

The tender closed on 31 August and is the first stage in a two-stage competition endorsed by the Australian Institute of Architects to select an architectural design for the new museum.

Greater Shepparton City Council Director Community Kaye Thomson said the next step was for the seven member jury to assess the applications and shortlist to five designs.

The seven member jury is a skills based board, with professionals drawn from the arts, architecture/design, academia, Indigenous architecture and related industries.

Ms Thomson said “We are excited by the calibre of architectural firms who have submitted Expressions of Interest and look forward to seeing which designs the jury shortlists for this important project.”

“The five shortlisted architectural firms will be announced in late October and from there the shortlisted firms will develop concept designs,” said Ms Thomson. “In January 2017 we will put all five design concepts on public exhibition and will announce the winner of the competition in April 2017.

Each shortlisted team will be provided with a more detailed brief and will be paid an honorarium of $7,000 to assist with the development of the concept design. The winning entry will receive a prize of $10,000.

The competition will result in a commission to the successful entrant, who will be appointed to work with Greater Shepparton City Council and SAM stakeholders to further develop the design.


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