Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 30 October, 2019. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Not too late to deal with Bindii

Residents are being asked to contact Council if they notice Bindii – also known as Caltrop – on Council-managed property and to remove the weed from their own land to help stop its spread.

Greater Shepparton City Council Manager Parks, Sport & Recreation Tim Zak said that spring and summer were the best times to control the noxious weed.

“With the warmer weather we have noticed Bindii has really started to take off. Residents may notice the patches starting to form the seed pods which cause so much pain,” said Mr Zak.

“Bindii are very easily spread once the seeds form. They stick to tyres and shoes and spread through parks, nature strips and lawns,” Mr Zak said. “The weed produces a large hard spiny seed capsule that is capable of penetrating people’s skin, animal’s paws and fur, and bicycle tyres.”

Mr Zak has urged residents to take a look around their own properties and the nature strips in their street and if possible dig out the weed. “If everyone does a little bit close to home and reports infestations to Council then together we can tackle the problem. Nobody wants to take their kids and dogs to the local park and not be able to enjoy the amenity because of painful prickles.”

Bindii originated from southern Europe and is an annual weed that grows rapidly in summer. Bindii can be controlled in a number of ways including hand weeding, chipping and herbicide spraying. “It’s too late to spray once the seeds have formed so removal is the most effective way to deal with it,” said Mr Zak.

“Council is targeting selected problematic recreation reserves, bike paths and open spaces to complement Council’s existing internal bindii control service but we really need residents’ help to get it under control this summer.”

He encouraged residents to phone Council on 5832 9700 if they noticed bindiis on nature strips; in parks, reserves or sportsgrounds; along Council-owned roadsides; or shared pathways.

Mr Zak said it was important the weed was disposed of in the green lid organics bin and not the red lid waste bin. “The heat treatment the organic matter goes through will kill any weed seeds including caltrop.”

More information on Caltrop can be found here.

Contact local agricultural chemical suppliers or nurseries for more herbicide advice.


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