Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 5 March, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Off leash dog park trial begins

Greater Shepparton City Council has commenced the off leash dog park trial in Ducat Reserve, Paterson Road, Shepparton.

Mayor Jenny Houlihan said “owners and their pets can enjoy a great area now fenced off to allow dogs to run in the area. Certain rules are in place including that all animals need to be registered, to ensure everyone can enjoy the area at the one time.”

Animal owner Steve Cartwright said “we are excited that the trial is underway and it’s great to meet like-minded animal owners. It’s been a long process but worthwhile and we need to work hard so we can make it a permanent fixture for animals in Shepparton”.

Greater Shepparton City Council recognises an off-leash dog park is beneficial for the health and wellbeing of dogs. Ducat Reserve has been selected as a trial location for the off-leash dog park for six months.The trial will be monitored carefully by the Animal Management team. To ensure the success of the trial, residents need to ensure rules are obeyed for the off leash dog park.If you require any further information please contact Council on 5832 9700.


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