Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 7 March, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Railway precinct master plan out for public consultation

Greater Shepparton City Council is seeking feedback from the community on a new draft master plan for the Shepparton Railway precinct by 3 April.

The Draft Master Plan forms part of the Shepparton CBD Revitalisation Project and provides a concept to transform the Shepparton Railway Precinct into an enticing gateway to Shepparton.

CLICK HERE to give your feedback on the Shepparton Railway Precinct master plan

Greater Shepparton City Council Director Sustainable Development Johann Rajaratnam said the plan will better integrate the Shepparton Railway Station into the Shepparton Central Business District (CBD), both physically and symbolically. “It also includes a technical investigation and feasibility study into the provision of a pedestrian overpass connecting the Shepparton Railway Station with the CBD.”

“The Shepparton Railway Precinct Redevelopment is one of three major infrastructure projects that make up the Shepparton CBD Revitalisation Project along with the Maude Street and Vaughan Street Redevelopment, and the Shepparton Court House,” said Mr Rajaratnam.

This project has been funded by Council, the State Government (Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources), V/Line and VicTrack. A Project Board includes representatives from Council, the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, V/Line, VicTrack and Public Transport Victoria.

A Technical Reference Group informed the work and included stakeholders from the Disability Advisory Committee, Positive Ageing Advisory Committee, Ethnic Council of Shepparton & District Inc., local community groups, transport action groups, Committee for Greater Shepparton, Tourism Greater Shepparton and Goulburn River Valley Tourism. “The aim was to capture as many of the needs and requirements of users when developing the document,” said Mr Rajaratnam.

The Draft Master Plan details actions for three stages of development, short term (within five years), medium term (5-15 years) and long term (15+ years).

Mr Rajaratnam said Council is keen for the public to inspect the Draft Master Plan and make a submission. “You can inspect the document at the Council offices at 90 Welsford Street, Shepparton and the draft master plan is on our website as well.”

Submissions must be made in writing, giving the submitter’s name and contact address, clearly stating the grounds on which the Draft Master Plan is supported or opposed and indicating what changes (if any) the submitter wishes to make.

A submission should be posted to Greater Shepparton City Council, Locked Bag 1000, Shepparton VIC 3632 and the closing date for submissions is 3 April 2017.

For more information, contact Council’s Strategic Planning Team on (03) 5832 9730.


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