Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 24 February, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Recycling bins now at Deakin Reserve

Greater Shepparton City Council worked with Keep Australia Beautiful, Beverage Container Recycling Community Grants funded by Coca-Cola to install recycling bins at Deakin Reserve.

Greater Shepparton City Council Director Sustainable Environment Johann Rajaratnam said the project Keeping Shepparton Beautiful grant has enabled Council to install seven large 240 litre recycling bins at Deakin Reserve.

“Deakin Reserve welcomes 35,000 visitors per year. Our waste audits indicate 80 percent of the waste that goes to landfill is recycling material, mainly aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic and cardboards. We estimate we will now be able to divert 1,344 litres of recyclables from landfill,” said Mr Rajaratnam.

“Not only have we installed the bins we have also installed lockable bin stands, and large signs near the toilet block to help educate and remind the community about recycling. We’ve also installed signage around the oval fence and recycling bin stickers on each of the bins,” said Mr Rajaratnam.

“When are you are at Deakin Reserve for the football match between Essendon v Geelong on 5 March you will now be able to use the recycling bins located around the oval.”

For more information about using the correct bin visit


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