After a successful small group’s good deed caught the attention of the community in April another river clean up event was held this month.
This time the team had 20 participants, 12 canoes and a boat on the water helping pull rubbish from the river. The boats launched into the water at 9am on Saturday morning at Dainton’s Bridge and Jordan’s Bend, and collected rubbish up to the Shepparton town weir.
RiverConnect Project Officer Meg Pethybridge said the community was the driving force behind this mission.
“Our community is passionate about river health and the Goulburn is very lucky to have great supporters in the Shepparton Canoe Club, Shepparton Mooroopna Urban Landcare Group, Veolia and the local residents who joined together to help protect our beautiful waterways,” Ms Pethybridge said.
During the three hour trip the paddlers collected 700 kilograms of waste, including three tyres, five shopping trolleys, and a number of bottles, camping equipment, chairs and couches, blankets and rugs, clothing, nappies, sharps and soft plastics.
Although April’s haul saw 800 kilograms of waste removed from the river, Ms Pethybridge said they gathered more lighter items this trip.
“We were disappointed about the amount of rubbish in the river and on the banks. Many recreational users of the river environment are respecting it, but unfortunately a small few are doing the wrong thing which damages the health of the river and the wildlife that depend on it,” Ms Pethybridge said.
“RiverConnect is proud to partner with the volunteers who help us with rubbish clean-ups and applauds the local residents who pick up rubbish in the river environment. We hope this will encourage more people to take their rubbish home and respect our waterways.”
For anyone who would like more information on RiverConnect and their programs head to