Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 26 October, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Rural Financial Counselling available

If you are on the land and are affected by issues in your business or your life then Goulburn Murray Hume Agcare provide rural financial counsellors to assist and support you to identify your options and plan for a brighter future.

Agcare services are free, confidential and impartial. Agcare assistance is available to any primary producer, fishing enterprise or small rural businesses who may be experiencing financial hardship and are in need of help and support.

Talk to Agcare, your confidentiality is assured and we’re here to help.

Agcare can help with;

-Assessing financial issues
-Identifying options and developing action plans
-Developing budgets and cash flows
-Assessing short and long term business viability
-Loan and/or refinance applications
-Negotiation with financial institutions and lenders
-Business and succession planning

Agcare have extensive business and professional networks that can refer you to who can provide more support. For instance;

-Centrelink and other Government agencies and departments
-Accountants, financial advisors, banks
-Real estate & stock agents
-Rural consultants & industry organisations
-Training organisations
-Community groups
-Health & welfare related organisations and services

Agcare rural counsellors are there to support you with understanding the options, and then allow you to make informed decisions about what is right for you and your family.

Call 1300 834 775 to meet with an Agcare financial counsellors, either at your home or in our offices.

Find our more about AgCare HERE.


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