Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 1 February, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Share your knowledge about local floods

Greater Shepparton City Council and the Goulburn Broken CMA are working with the community, Traditional Owners and other agencies with floodplain management functions, such as water authorities and the VicSES, to review and develop a new Goulburn Broken Regional Floodplain Management Strategy.

Recognising the importance of capturing local community knowledge about floods, such as those experienced in 2010-12 and winter-spring 2016, public information sessions will be held on the following dates:

  • Shepparton -Friday 10th February -12 noon to 2pm –Parklake, 481 Wyndham St, Shepparton
  • Congupna -Friday 10th February -5pm to 7pm -Pavilion at the Congupna Rec Reserve, Congupna-Katamatite Rd, Congupna

The main aims of these sessions are to:

  • seek community input to prioritise where flood knowledge needs to be improved through flood studies and flood mapping; and
  • determine actions needed to reduce the risk of flooding.

This information will then help set priorities that will be detailed in a rolling three-year regional work plan.

For more information about the Goulburn Broken Regional Floodplain Management Strategy, as well as current flood mapping and studies for your area, please visit

PLEASE NOTE: If you are unable to attend these sessions but would like to contribute, a feedback form is available from or phone 5822 7700.


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