Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 22 December, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Sharps syringes appearing in green lid bins

Greater Shepparton City Council reminds residents to ensure they correctly dispose of syringes and needles through the sharps program, with the recent appearance of syringes and sharps containers found in green lid kerbside bins around the area.

Council’s free sharps disposal service allows those with diabetic and medical needs to contain and safely dispose of syringes at Council’s reception. All returned sharps containers are replaced with a new empty sharps container.

Greater Shepparton City Council Director Infrastructure Steve Bowmaker advises disposing of syringes in kerbside bins is not only not acceptable, it is against the law, and also poses risks to residents and workers by potentially spreading blood-borne diseases.

“You, your family members, neighbours and the contractor sorting the waste by hand are all at risk of needle-stick injury or being infected when handling contents of the bin.

“Council reserves the right to refuse to collect household kerbside bins if found to contain syringes and needles. Needle and syringe disposal bins are installed in public toilets across the municipality and Council staff will arrange for the removal of these needles found in public spaces,” said Mr Bowmaker.

There are several alternative needle and syringe programs operating across Greater Shepparton. The programs provide a community service to reduce the risk associated with intravenous drug use by dispensing clean needles and syringes, safe disposable containers at no charge and providing a safe return facility for used equipment.

CLICK HERE to find your nearest needle and syringe program outlet.

CLICK HERE for more information on what can and can’t go in your green lid bin.


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