Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 9 September, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Sleep Out to tackle homelessness in Greater Shepparton

Greater Shepparton City Council is proud to support the Big Sleep Out; a new local initiative to be held in November to raise awareness about the extent of Homelessness, and to raise some funds to assist those affected.

 Three organisations from the business community, local government and not-for-profit sector have come together to tackle the lack of awareness about the extent of homelessness in Greater Shepparton and to set up a fund that will be available to people who need support.

Diverse Builders, Greater Shepparton City Council and The Community Fund Goulburn Valley all recognise that homelessness is a growing concern in our own backyard, and have rallied to organise the Big Sleep Out fundraising event to allow all sectors of the community to show their support for people who are faced with living rough in tents, cars and on couches.

CLICK HERE to register for November's Big Sleepout.

Diverse Builders’ General Manager, Dennis Young, said he was concerned about this issue becoming a crisis and wanted to do something to help.

“We understand what it means to have a home and therefore it seemed a natural fit for the team. It is always a priority for us as a local business to look to participate in relevant local issues that we can help in a real way,” said Mr Young.  Diverse Builders has a long history of supporting local community events.

CLICK HERE to join the "Big Sleepout" Facebook event.

Greater Shepparton City Council has organised events in the past to support youth homelessness, but collaborating with a local business and The Community Fund to raise more awareness and some money for the new fund is a first.

“Homelessness is very complex and a challenge that not one person or organisation is able to resolve alone, however the united front of local businesses, the corporate sector, local government as well as The Community Fund, enables us to reach out and support those in our community less fortunate than ourselves,” said Greater Shepparton City Council Youth Development Officer, Jess Kirwin.

“This initiative provides our community with a platform to make a difference to the lives of others and together we can work towards ending homelessness in Greater Shepparton,” said Ms Kirwin.

Rural Housing Network statistics show that young, single women make up the majority of homeless in Shepparton and young people between 18 and 35 make up a large number of what we recognise as homeless. Hundreds of people sleep rough in Greater Shepparton every night.

“This is unacceptable to us and we believe with some community muscle and generosity we might be able to help some of the people who are caught up in not having safe and secure living conditions,” The Community Fund Chief Executive, Cheryl Hammer said.

“We know we live in a generous community and we believe this cause and our Big Sleep Out event will inspire local businesses, schools, service clubs and other organisations to dig deep, both in their pockets and their hearts, for the homeless.”

Register a team or come as an individual to the Big Sleep Out where you can sleep in a sleeping bag on cardboard, sleep in your car or maybe “couch surf” at the Shepparton Showgrounds on Friday, November 4 from 6 pm. All funds raised will go towards a new Homeless Support Fund, for people at risk to access bedding, crisis accommodation, clothing, food, transport.


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