Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 18 April, 2024. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Successful launch of the Business Big Ideas Festival

Greater Shepparton City Council was pleased with the success of the recent launch of the Business Big Ideas Festival on Wednesday 17 April 2024 at the Terminus Hotel in Shepparton.

In summary:

  • Launch event for the Business Big Ideas Festival attracted a packed house of small business owners.
  • Free workshops offered throughout Greater Shepparton from May 13th to 24th, 2024.
  • Topics include branding, marketing and online, aiming to empower businesses, foster connections, and provide valuable resources.
  • Workshop spaces are filling up fast! Register now or call the Council for details.

Business Big Ideas Festival

The sell-out event was a roaring success, which saw small business owners gain valuable insights into the 2024 program that will provide knowledge, skills and inspiration to better their own business.

The business owners gathered to hear more about the two week event, from Monday 13 to Friday 24 May 2024, with details of the 16 free workshops that will be available to them. The workshops are designed to help business owners connect and grow their business, with events right throughout the Goulburn Valley.

Greater Shepparton Business Network Chair, Stephen Schneider, opened the event by welcoming all attendees and encouraged small business owners to engage with the festival as it will provide great advice and tips on growing their business.

Over the two jam-packed weeks, there will be workshops including guest presentation from Olivia Carr, author of Self Made the Entrepreneur’s Mindset, visual shop front merchandising, how to set up a website, small business branding, and online marketing made easy with artificial intelligence just to name a few.

Deputy Mayor, Councillor Sam Spinks, highlighted how important and beneficial events like this are to our small business owners.

“The main objective of this festival is to upskill and facilitate connections amongst businesses across Greater Shepparton. We hope it can ignite entrepreneurial spirit, empower new ventures and provide resources for small business development through education and training,” she said.

“We aim to encourage flexibility within businesses, equipping them to navigate and overcome challenges with resilience. We realise how difficult it can be maintaining your own small business, so we hope this can prove to be beneficial for all involved.”

Attendees on the night were offered the first chance to book their spots in the workshops. If you want to get involved, Council is advising to act quickly as workshop seats are filling up fast.

For further information on the festival and workshops that are available, please visit the Business Big Ideas Festival web page or follow the @greatersheppartongreatthings pages on social media.


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