Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 10 February, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Suns Football Club national licence awarded

The Greater Shepparton and North Eastern region has been awarded a licence to enter a club in the new National Premier League competition. The Goulburn Valley Suns club will now enter teams across age groups from Under 12 up to Open Men.

The interim board consists of former Mayor of Greater Shepparton, Geoff Dobson, representatives from Shepparton Junior Soccer Association (SJSA), Goulburn North East Football Association (GNEFA) and Greater Shepparton City Council.

In announcing the formation of the Club, Mr Dobson paid tribute to Mayor Jenny Houlihan, Councillors, Chief Executive Officer, Gavin Cator and council staff, who have all worked together to achieve the outcome. As one of only five regional clubs in a state-wide competition, Mr Dobson said that the Goulburn Valley and North East Victoria will be showcased directly into metropolitan Melbourne and will provide a first class opportunity for strategic partners and sponsors to deliver their messages to an increased demographic. 

“Being awarded this licence will have numerous benefits for our region. Not only will this competition open up new pathways for the development of our junior players it will also be a way to promote the region and provide significant economic benefits,” Mr Dobson said.“The club will also provide support to grassroots football in the region and play a critical role in developing coaches as well as developing a strong culture of success, discipline and team building. 

“The board has conducted initial discussions with the presidents of both GNEFA and SJSA clubs to outline the Sun’s plans and develop plans to achieve shared outcomes for all levels of the game in the region and those discussions will continue to be ongoing,” Mr Dobson said.“We are now working to appoint a Technical Director, organising player trials and advertising for coaches.” 

The Goulburn Valley Suns Football Club now has a very busy period in which to appoint coaches and support staff, conduct information sessions with potential players, parents of junior players and to source sponsors and strategic partners.Mr Dobson has indicated that approaches are currently being made to potential sponsors to outline benefits that will be available.


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