Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 4 September, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Swooping Season! 10 tips for avoiding the Magpie Menace

Greater Shepparton City Council advises residents to be on alert for swooping magpies when out in the community.

Magpies breed between August and October and can swoop if they feel threatened.

Greater Shepparton Acting Director Sustainable Development Geraldine Christou said as Magpies are native birds, Council cannot stop them swooping or remove them from certain areas.

“We encourage people to be on alert and aware of areas that Magpies do reside in, where swooping may occur,” Ms Christou said.

“Swooping can occur any time of the year; however it is increased in spring when the birds are protecting their nests.”

10 Tips to avoid being swooped

  1. Know your local swooping hotspots - Keep informed about parks, schoolyards and bike trails in your local area by reading your local newspapers, viewing Victoria’s ‘Magpie Map’ on or contacting your local council.
  2. Avoid the area - The best way to protect yourself from a swooping bird, is to avoid venturing into their territory.
  3. Move quickly - If you must pass through the area – move quickly – do not run.
  4. Cover your head - Wear a hat or carry a stick or umbrella above your head. Cyclists should wear a helmet, dismount and walk through the area.
  5. Eyes at the back of your head - Birds may be less likely to swoop if they think you are watching them. Draw a pair of ‘eyes’ and attach to the back of hats and helmets.
  6. Do not harass wildlife - Don’t interfere with or throw stones at birds. This gives them added reason to see humans as a threat and may increase swooping behaviour.
  7. Do not destroy nests - This may prompt birds to rebuild their nests, prolonging the swooping behaviour.
  8. Don’t feed swooping birds.
  9. Travel in a group - If possible, try to travel in a group in areas where there are swooping birds.
  10. Notify others - Put up warning signs for others who may not be aware that there are swooping birds in the area.


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