Council engaged One Mile Grid Pty Ltd to undertake a Local Area Traffic Management study (LATM) to assess the needs of all modes of transport including pedestrians, cyclists, cars and buses within the precinct surrounding the GSSC site. The LATM report summarises existing traffic issues in the vicinity of the GSSC site, makes recommendations for mitigation of any issues identified and seeks to ensure that the local road network can cater for an increase in users accessing the site during pick-up and drop-off times.
Mayor, Cr Kim O’Keeffe said Council received a total of 53 submissions during community consultation with local residents and businesses on the Draft LATM, which occurred between 6 September 2021 and 4 October 2021.
“Council has prepared a conversation report to summarise the submissions received and Council officers’ responses to the themes raised,” she said.
“In response to community feedback, Council has made several changes to the LATM relating to parking restrictions and line marking around the precinct.”
At the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 16 November 2021, Council received and noted the final LATM report and the Conversation Report. Council will now implement the recommendations of the LATM ahead of the school opening in February 2022.
This will include the introduction of no-stopping zones during pick-up and drop-off times on sections of Annerley Avenue, Chertsey Road, Glenlyon Avenue, Norris Court and Thames Street. Unrestricted car parking spaces for residential parking, and pick-up and drop-off will be line marked to formalise car parking spaces and ensure access to driveways is maintained. Right-turn bans will also be introduced during pick-up and drop-off times along some side streets into Hawdon Street to assist in maintaining traffic flow.
Line-marking works are expected to take place in late November, and signage and associated poles will be installed between December 2021 and January 2022.
“Council Officers will undertake further work to review and monitor the works recommended in the final LATM within one month of the opening of the GSSC,” Cr O’Keeffe said.
“This will ensure that the recommendations implemented by the LATM are functioning as intended, and help us to understand the traffic impacts that the GSSC is having on the broader road network.”
A map outlining the extent of proposed parking and signage changes is provided below. More information about these works is available on Council’s website Major Projects page