Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 18 November, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

'Turning Ideas Into Action' Shepparton's Regional Youth Forums

The Youth Affairs Council Victoria is thrilled to be partnering with the Victorian Government to deliver a series of 12 youth forums across the state.

The forums, themed 'Turning Ideas into Action', are designed for young people to learn how to develop skills in community involvement and as a platform to discuss their ideas.

Shepparton Youth Sumit: Thursday 1 December 2016, 5.30–7.30pm

Casablanca Pizza and Pasta, 125 High Street, Shepparton.

Click here to register.

The forums will help determine the agenda of the inaugural Youth Summit, to be held during National Youth Week next year. Participants will also elect regional representatives to the Victorian Youth Congress, a diverse group of young Victorians who will advise the Government on priority issues for today’s young people.

Youth Affairs Council Victoria CEO Georgie Ferrari said, “YACVic has long advocated for young people to be seen as the experts in their own lives. These regional forums are the exciting beginning of a process that will ensure young people’s ideas are front and centre in policy making in Victoria.”

Young people who can’t make it to one of our forums can still have their say via our online youth survey.


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