Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 17 October, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

VICROADS: Help shape road safety improvements on the Midland Highway

VicRoads is encouraging the community to help shape road safety improvements on the Midland Highway.

Regional Director Nicki Kyriakou said the section of road between Shepparton and Stanhope was recently identified in the Towards Zero 2016-2020 Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan as one of the State’s top 20 highest risk road segments.

“Between June 2010 and June 2015 there were 56 crashes sadly resulting in two road deaths, 34 people seriously injured and 59 people with injuries,” she said.

“We take road safety seriously and we are committed improving community wellbeing by reducing road trauma.”

VicRoads is asking the community to provide their thoughts and suggestions on what could be implemented to address the serious crash history and improve safety.

“We all share in the responsibility of making travel safer on our roads and this is just the first phase of asking the community to be part of the solution on this particular road,” Ms Kyriakou said.

“Ideas could include reduced speed limits, audio-tactile centre and edge lines, wide centre-line or flexible roadside barriers,” she said.

Ms Kyriakou said that VicRoads will to continue to involve the community in further discussions asthe project develops.

VicRoads is also working with their road safety partners Victoria Police, Greater Shepparton City Council and the TAC with the aim of making this section of the Midland Highway free of fatal andserious injury crashes into the future.

Community members can provide feedback to VicRoads on email or by phone 03 5761 1871 up until to Wednesday, 2 November 2016.

All feedback will be reviewed and considered in the development of a proposal for safety improvements that will be taken back out to the community for comment.

CLICK HERE for more from VicRoads.


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