Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 10 February, 2022. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Time is running out to nominate a local volunteer for the Greater Shepparton Volunteer Recognition Awards

Residents are encouraged to nominate a friend, colleague or family member for the 2022 Greater Shepparton Volunteer Recognition Awards.

Now in its 13th year, the volunteer awards aim to recognise and thank volunteers who have contributed their time and energy to the community. This year there are two additional categories to celebrate the remarkable contributions individuals and groups/organisations made during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. These additional categories will be for the 2022 year only.

Nominating is a simple process, with forms available on Council’s website, from Council’s Customer Service counter or by contacting Council on 5832 9700.

“If you know someone who is willing to donate their time for the benefit of others, don’t miss this chance to recognise their efforts,” Mayor, Cr Kim O’Keeffe said.

Nominations can be made under six categories including:

  • Young volunteer (12 to 25 years)
  • Adult volunteer (26 years and over)
  • Volunteer team (a group of 2 or more)
  • Long serving volunteer (15 years or more)
  • Pandemic response individual
  • Pandemic response group/organisation

Nominations for the awards close Friday 25 February 2022. 

An awards presentation will be held during National Volunteer Week in May.


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