Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 4 March, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

WELL DONE EVERYONE! Drop in Green Lid Bin Contamination

Contamination of the green lid bins for the month of February 2016 was down to 2.54 per cent compared to 8.5 per cent in February last year.

Greater Shepparton City Council’s Manager Environment, Greg McKenzie, said “the result was really exciting and it is great residents are thinking about what they can put into the green waste bins. Residents should be congratulated for their big improvement from last month.”

“In January we had 9.47 per cent contamination and this month we are down to 2.54 per cent. This is a great effort. We just need to make sure residents keep up the great work because in the long run it saves ratepayers money and it is better for the environment”.

“When the green lid bin is contaminated, this is then taken to landfill which costs Council $125 per tonne Ultimately these costs will impact on the collection charge”.

“In February 2016 we had 17.36 tonnes of waste contamination in the green lid (organics) bin going to landfill out of 679 total tonnes of organics. We have had an increased amount of green waste picked up but we are reducing our contamination, these are all positive signs,” said Mr McKenzie.

If you receive a sticker on your green lid bin about contamination please take the time to check what you are putting in the bin.

CLICK HERE for more information on what should go in your green lid bin.


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