Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 11 April, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Will the State Government commit to regional hospitals too?

As the State Government continues to commit funding for significant upgrades for metropolitan hospitals it’s hoped that regional hospitals, including GV Health, will also receive much needed funding in this year’s State Budget.

The Andrews Government announced yesterday that $17 million will be allocated to Footscray Hospital in this month’s State Budget. It is estimated that $15 million will be for urgent works, with $2 million set aside for planning.

$200 million for the Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Sunshine was funded in the Labor Government’s first budget last year, while Werribee Mercy Hospital was given another $85 million for upgrades.

“With the Treasurer, Tim Pallas MP, recently touring GV Health he is well acquainted with the current shortcomings of the facility. GV Health currently services 250,000 residents from the Goulburn Valley and beyond yet there are only three operating theatres and significant gaps in radiotherapy, renal and cardiac services”, suggests Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor Cr Dinny Adem.

“GV Health should be the epitome of a modern public hospital as the major regional health service for north east Victoria, yet the current facilities impede GV Health’s ability to meet the current and future health care needs within the region”, contends Cr Adem.

 Cr Adem further suggests that “Up to $170 million is required for the redevelopment of GV Health. Short term measures are no longer an option only a fully funded development of GV Hospital can meet the immediate current deficiencies, and the ever overwhelming increasing demand on vital health services.”

The 2016-2017 Victorian State Budget is due to be announced on Wednesday 27 April, 2016.


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