Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 3 September, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Women's Voices Forum

The Greater Shepparton Women’s Charter Alliance Advisory Committee invites business people and members of the public to the ‘Women’s Voices – Know the Line’ Forum to be held on Monday 22 September 2014.

The forum will feature Liz Broderick, the Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner. During her term as Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Liz Broderick has been committed to improving gender equality through her advocacy in preventing violence against women and sexual harassment, improving lifetime economic security for women, balancing paid work and unpaid caring responsibilities, promoting women’s representation in leadership and strengthening gender equality laws, monitoring and agencies.

Liz Broderick will speak about the ‘Know the Line’ campaign. The ‘Know the Line’ campaign is a national awareness raising strategy that  targets employers and employees as part of broader efforts to prevent and reduce the harm of sexual harassment in Australian workplaces. The campaign recognises that not only is workplace sexual harassment an abuse of human rights, it is also something which has a negative impact on employee safety and security and is costly to businesses.

Following Liz Broderick, internationally recognised Gender and Diversity Consultant Maria Dimopoulos will facilitate a Q&A discussion about sexual discrimination and associated issues with a panel of local women.

GSWCAAC Member Kate Montgomery is excited about securing such wonderful speakers for the event.

“We are extremely fortunate that such a highly regarded and inspirational speaker such as Liz Broderick has made the commitment to come to Shepparton to speak. Along with Maria Dimopoulos – who is a highly engaging speaker and facilitator – the local panelists will ensure this is an informative, thought provoking and inspiring event,” said Ms Montgomery.

 The ‘Women’s Voices – Know the Line’ forum will be held on Monday 22 September between 10am and 1pm at the Sherbourne Terrace. Tickets are $25 each and bookings are essential and can be made in person at Greater Shepparton City Council Offices, 90 Welsford Street Shepparton. Please contact for more information.

 For more information about the ‘Know the Line’ campaign visit

 The Greater Shepparton Women’s Charter Alliance Advisory Committee (GSWCAAC) is a community advisory committee of the Greater Shepparton City Council, and is part of a broader network of Local Government Area (LGA) advisory committees across the state that are guided and informed by the Victorian Local Government Women’s Charter.

 The Committee is made up of volunteers and, with Council support, they aim to increase women’s participation in key decision making forums in the community and in democratic governance. The Committee supports three main principles: Gender Equity, Diversity, and Active Citizenship.

The ‘Women’s Voices – Know the Line’ Forum is proudly supported by the Australian Human Rights Commission, The Sherbourne Terrace, and Greater Shepparton City Council.


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