Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 10 November, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Woolworths urged to support Goulburn Valley grown and produced products

With Woolworths confirming they will no longer be purchasing SPC tomatoes for their Woolworths brand tinned tomatoes, Greater Shepparton City Council again implores the company to uphold the five-year partnership agreement with SPC for the on-going supply of canned fruit.

Woolworths have stated “we work hard to ensure we offer the best quality products at the right price for customers, and it’s products from the likes of SPC that assist Woolworths to deliver on this promise.”

“SPC source their fruit and vegetables directly from Australia’s Foodbowl, the Goulburn Valley, it doesn’t get any better than that,” suggests Greater Shepparton City Council CEO Peter Harriott. “It’s here that fresh quality products are grown with our rich soils, irrigated water supply and endless sunshine. The quality is undeniable and the decision to continue to stock products from the Goulburn Valley should be straightforward.”

 “Woolworths continuing to buy from SPC provides direct support not only for the iconic company itself but also for the hard working Goulburn Valley growers that supply fruit and vegetables to SPC,” said Mr Harriott.

In response to fluctuating markets and climate change growers have planned and invested in new crops to ensure that they can meet demand now and into the future, and any threat of the agreement between Woolworths and SPC poses a threat to this investment.

“As a major retailer it is hoped that Woolworths appreciates the nature of the growing cycle with trees taking years to mature, crops are planted and investments made well in advance of the season, all of which should be taken into consideration by supermarkets in their contract negotiations.”


“The federal and state governments have invested heavily in infrastructure to support Australian manufacturing and agricultural industries, we therefore continue to encourage Woolworths to “buy-local” in supporting the national economy”, says Mr Harriott. “The $2 billion investment in the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation District and the $22 million co-investment from the Victorian Government to transform SPC are a clear demonstration of the faith that government has in the prosperity of Australian based industries, and we hope that in their negotiations with SPC, Woolworths will continue to see the value of buying locally.”

“We wish both Woolworths and SPC well with their negotiations however it will be extremely disappointing if Woolworths fail to adhere to the SPC agreement just two years into a five year deal”, declares Mr Harriott. “While Council is not privy to the negotiations between the two companies we strongly advocate that the agreement is honoured as it’s in the best interest of all parties concerned and the Goulburn Valley community.”


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