Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 11 August, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Your council, your vote: Greater Shepparton City Council 2016 election

Residents and ratepayers of Greater Shepparton City Council will be asked to vote in the local council election this October.

Electoral Commissioner Warwick Gately said voters should not forget about having their say in the election.

‘Councils are an important tier of government in our democracy, and the election are a chance for people to have their say on issues like local roads and footpaths, parks and recreation facilities, planning and building regulations, and libraries and community centres’, Mr Gately said.

‘The obligation to vote in your local council elections is just as significant as voting in State and Federal elections.

‘I strongly encourage everyone eligible to vote at the 2016 council elections to make their voice heard—it’s your council, your vote.’

Compulsory voting provisions apply, and you may be fined if you don’t vote.

To help voters remember, the VEC has introduced the free Vic Election Alerts service, a quick and easy way for all Victorians to remember what to do during the 2016 council elections.

Signing up takes less than a minute and messages can be received via email, text message or both.

Greater Shepparton City Council election timeline

Entitlement date - 4.00 pm Friday 26 August             

People must be enrolled with the VEC or local council by this date to be eligible to vote or stand as a candidate.

Opening of nominations - 9.00 am Thursday 15 September              

Anyone wishing to stand as a candidate can submit their nomination to the Returning Officer from this time and must do so in person at the election office.

Close of nominations - 12 noon Tuesday 20 September               

Anyone wishing to stand as a candidate must submit their nomination to the Returning Officer by 12 noon, 32 days before election day.

Ballot packs are mailed - Tuesday 4 to Thursday 6 October             

Ballot packs are mailed to every enrolled person in contested elections in a random order over three days.

Close of voting - 6.00 pm Friday 21 October          

Completed ballot material must be in the mail or hand delivered by this time.

Deadline for inclusion of postal votes - 12 noon Friday 28 October          

The Returning Officer can accept postal votes received up to this time into the count. Only votes posted before the close of voting can be accepted.

Results declarations - Monday 31 October to Friday 4 November          

Results for all elections will be officially declared during this period.

CLICK HERE for the Greater Shepparton City Council profile



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