Working within road reserves

Residents wishing to undertake any work (excluding mowing lawns) that impacts on Council infrastructure, Council streets or roads or Council-controlled land will be required to obtain permission from Council prior to commencing works.

Council is the responsible authority responsible for managing the road reserve.

This permit gives consent to construct or work in the Council footpath, nature strip, kerb and road surface.

Activities include (but are not limited to):

  • water tappings (nature strip or road);
  • vehicle driveways and crossovers;
  • footpath replacement;
  • rural driveways;
  • construction of new supply lines;
  • work carried out on Council road reserve (eg. building, painting and installation of advertising boards and signwriting);
  • new housing developments; and/or
  • under-road boring.

A non-refundable fee is charged for administering the consent. The fees are reviewed as part of the unit rates review by State Government on 1 July each year. The fee charged depends on the size of the works and speed limit of the road (where the works are taking place). The fees will be ascertained on first inspection and are payable when the permit is picked up.

Apply for this permit online

Before submitting your application, you will need:

  • Detailed design drawings / IDM standard drawings
  • Traffic Management Plan if applicable
  • Certificate of currency public liability to the value of 20 million dollars

Apply online

Our online system can be used for the following purposes:

  • Notification of proposed works
  • Application for consent
  • Notification of completed works to the Coordinating Road Authority (CRA)

For further information or enquiries, please contact Council's Permit Inspection Officer.

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