Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 29 March, 2019. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

UPDATE: Balaclava / Verney / New Dookie Roads / Hawdon Street Intersection Upgrade

Read the latest updates from this major project upgrade the Balaclava Road / Verney Road / New Dookie Road / Hawdon Street intersection from a roundabout to a signalised intersection to reduce congestion and improve safety.

Water main replacement works

Throughout the past month Council has been working with our contractor to undertake necessary water main relocation works as part of the Verney Road / Balaclava Road / Hawdon Street / New Dookie Road intersection upgrade. 

With the installation of the new water main completed, Council is now working with Goulburn Valley Water to finalise dates for when the old water main will be decommissioned and the water switched over to the new water main. 

At this stage, it is anticipated that there will be six shutdowns spread over four weeks commencing in the week of 15 April 2019.  Each shutdown is expected to be between two to six hours.  Council will be in contact with affected property owners and residents when shut down arrangements are confirmed by Goulburn Valley Water.

Powercor pole works 

Last weekend Powercor undertook work to relocate a power pole on the corner of Balaclava and Verney Roads and also a stay brace on the pole located on the north-east corner of the roundabout.  These works were undertaken in preparation for the civil works to upgrade the intersection.

Future works will include removal of the light pole in the centre of the roundabout together with some additional power pole works as the civil works progress.

Keep up-to-date

Do you know someone who would like to be kept up-to-date with the works associated with this project?

Information is being made available throughout this project on:


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