Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Sunday, 22 January, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Tips for your green lid bin to survive the heat this summer

With summer well upon us and Australia Day approaching, Greater Shepparton residents may find their green lid bin can emit more odours than usual due to the hot weather.

Here are some tips to avoid the stink this summer:

  • Move your bins to a shady and well ventilated area.
  • Layer your food waste with lawn clippings or dry leaves.
  • Place paper towel in the bottom of your purple compostable bag to absorb any liquid residue.
  • Freeze meat, seafood and fruit scraps until the night before your bin collection.
  • Tie up your purple compostable bag every couple of days (even if not full) and place in the green lid bin.
  • Wash out your kitchen caddy regularly either by placing it in the dishwasher (the caddies are dishwasher safe) or use baking soda, vinegar or mild detergent and warm water.
  • Don’t overfill your bin, the lid must be able to close. Please remember bins that exceed 100 kilograms will not be collected as the kerbside truck is unable to lift and empty the bin.


If you are unsure of the process speak to Council’s Waste Education Officer or visit Council’s website.

CLICK HERE for out list of what can and can’t go in the green lid bins.


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