Temporary Food Premises

Temporary food premises are temporary sites or stalls where food is sold. This includes stalls and marquees at school fetes, markets, festivals and other short-term events.
If you are intending to sell food to the public from a temporary food premises in Greater Shepparton, you must:
- register your food premises with (or notify) Greater Shepparton City Council
- lodge a Statement of Trade (SOT) using the Victorian Government's FoodTrader website
The following information outlines the requirements for temporary food premises and is separated into commercial and not for profit/community group requirements.
It is expected that all temporary and mobile food premises are set up in compliance with Food Standards Code and that food sold to the public is safe and suitable.
Commercial Temporary and Mobile Premises
Under the state-wide registration system (FoodTrader) for temporary and mobile food premises, the food business must register with the ‘principal council' and submit a 'Statement of Trade' (SOT) to each council area that you will trade in.
Your principal council is the council in which the premise is based, equipment is stored or garaged, or the first trade occurs in for interstate traders. Once registered with the principal council, a statement of trade must be submitted to any council that you trade in.
Contact Council's Environmental Health team, who will assist you with becoming registered and advise you which class you will fall into depending on the risk level of food sold.
Not for Profit and Community Groups
Not for profit and community groups are also required to operate under the new state-wide registration/notification system (FoodTrader). This includes any group that is fundraising by selling food. It does not include food given away free of charge.
There are different levels of registration depending on the risk/type of food a Not for Profit/Community Group is selling. Below is a table that outlines class 2, 3 or 4 activities.
- Class 2
High risk foods which need correct temperature control at all times to keep them safe, such as:
- salads, sandwiches, smoothies and fresh juice made on site.
- casseroles, curries etc which are cooked and held hot, or cooked, cooled and reheated.
- Class 3
Unpackaged low risk foods or pre-packaged high risk foods or cook and serve foods such as:
- biscuits, nuts, cereals, jams etc if removed from packaging.
- pre-packaged high risk food including cakes with cream fillings, or meals (eg lasagne) or pies/sausage rolls. These items are required to be manufactured, and packed in a premises registered as a Class 2 Food Premises prior to sale from the Class 3 Premises.
- barbeques including hamburgers, other meats or eggs cooked and served immediately.
- Class 4
Low risk activities including such as:
- shops and stalls with packaged cakes (excluding cream cakes and raw egg), bottled jams or honey
- simple sausage sizzles at stalls, where the sausages are cooked and served immediately. This means sausages, sauce, onions and bread. (This does not include hamburgers or other high risk foods).
- sale of uncut fruit and vegetables at farmers markets or by greengrocers (whether retail or wholesale)
- wine tasting
- tea and coffee
If you are selling any food that falls into a class 2 or 3 food premises, then registration is required. Please contact Council's Environmental Health Department to make an application for registration. Registration fees are determined based on the class of food premises.
Class 4 premises are required to submit a Notification to Council. This can be submitted using FoodTrader or by contacting Council’s Health Department.
For further information please contact Council's Environmental Health Department on 03 5832 9731.