Lenne Street Drainage Upgrade Works

Greater Shepparton City Council is currently finalising preparations to commence the Stage 1 Lenne Street Drainage Upgrade works.

The area was identified for urgent improvements, with a focus on addressing stormwater issues that have affected the community, and creating a plan to reduce future flooding in this region.

Following the riverine flooding event in October 2022, Lenne Street drainage catchment in Mooroopna was severely impacted. Council has identified improvement opportunities for the existing stormwater drainage network to mitigate the rain event issues in the area during sudden heavy downpours.

The project has been split into stage 1 and 2 for the delivery of the stormwater drainage improvements for the community.

Overview of the Project

The proposed project will include the following:

  • Construction of Stage 1 beginning in 2024/2025 Financial Year
    Smyth Reserve Construction:
    • Enhancing the retention capacity of Smyth Reserve by reshaping and formalising the invert of the drain to designed levels.
    • Service relocations to allow underground infrastructure to be installed linking the reserves.
    • Installation of underground stormwater infrastructure to link the reserves.
    • Installation of bollards at Smyth Reserve to protect the functionality of the upgraded storm water drainage.
    Howe Street Construction:
    • The section of Howe Street adjacent to Smyth Reserve will be raised above flood level with underground drainage linking Smyth Reserve.
  • Detail Design and Construct Stage 2 in 2025/2026 Financial Year Storm Water Rising Main and Pump Station including Smyth Reserve Upgrade detail design and Construction:
    • The expansion of the retention in this reserve requires a new pump station and rising main to be constructed due to the depth of the proposed basin.
    • Service relocations (as determined necessary):
      • Electricity - Arrange Powercor design and works agreement
      • Telecommunications - Arrange Authority design and works agreement.
      • Water Main – Arrange Water main Design and works agreement.

Virtual walkthrough of the Stage 1 and Stage 2 locations for Lenne Street Flood Mitigation works, prior to works. Courtesy Andrew Powell, Compass Photography.

What you can expect to see:

Upon award of this Contract, site specific conditions will be relayed to all local residents and the community prior to commencing works.

The contract for these works was released for Tender in January 2025, awarded in March, with works commencing in April. Anticipated to be completed by mid-August 2025, weather permitting.

Works will take place between the hours of 7am and 6pm, Monday to Friday, however there may be occasions where weekend works are required.

Installing new bollards in Smyth Reserve

To ensure the protection and the functionality of the upgraded storm water drainage Council plan to install a series of new bollards throughout the reserve. The bollards will restrict vehicles from entering the reserves to minimise damage to the new drainage basins and ensure the storm water drains effectively.

The bollards will provide safety benefits by restricting vehicles from entering the reserves when the basins are filled with storm water after rain events. The reserves will still be accessible for pedestrians and cyclists using the shared paths. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we work to enhance our community’s infrastructure.

Removal of basketball half court in Smyth Reserve

The Basketball half court located in the Smyth Reserve between Hall Street and Howe Street will be removed to enable for the construction of the new storm water drainage basin and bring the essential drainage improvements.

This project is aimed at improving our community’s drainage system and mitigating the risk of storm water flooding in the area. Council will explore alternative options for its replacement in recreational spaces in the area when budget allows and will keep you updated on any developments.

For further information please contact Council’s Project Manager on 5832 9700 or by emailing projects@shepparton.vic.gov.au.

These works are 50 percent funded by the Disaster Ready Fund. More information can be found on the NEMA website

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I still have access to my driveway throughout construction of this project?

Yes, residents will maintain access to their properties during construction. The Contractor may require altering the access point temporarily, in which case residents will be consulted with.

Will there be noise and dust during construction works?

To complete the construction work heavy plant and machinery are required. The Contractor will keep the noise and dust to a minimum. Dust mitigation controls will be implemented as required and set working hours will be in place in line with EPA regulations.

Will the playground in Smyth Reserve be accessible whilst works are being undertaken in the Reserve?

Yes, the playground will be accessible for use during the construction period. The community is advised to take caution when in the vicinity of the works area and adhere to all site security measures.

The half basketball court and backboard will be removed as a result of the drainage reserve being widened.

How long will construction take to complete?

This project is anticipate to be completed mid to late August 2025. This will be dependent on weather conditions.

Will there be temporary road closures to complete works?

Temporary and partial road closures will occur during the project. Residents and members of the community will be informed of these road closure prior.

Road users are advised to follow all traffic management controllers and devices and will be directed to use detour routes as required.