Margaret Street Stormwater Pump Station Upgrade, Tatura

The necessary upgrade of the Margaret Street Stormwater Pump Station in Tatura was identified through Council's 2020 Drainage Strategy. This Strategy focuses on identifying and addressing stormwater issues that affect the community and to ensure Council’s infrastructure operates adequately during major storm events.
The Margaret Street Stormwater Pump Station collects and caters for approximately 90% of the stormwater catchment area in the township of Tatura. The pump station is one of the most significant pump station assets that Council owns and operates due to its importance for the drainage functionality of Tatura.
Delivery of upgrade works
The pump station upgrade will see the design and construction of the pump station system to cater for the existing stormwater flows for Tatura and provide for future expansion.
Greater Shepparton City Council has awarded the contract for the Design & Construction of Stage 1 of the Margaret Street Stormwater Pump Station Upgrade at the Ordinary Council Meeting in December 2024 to Aquatec Fluid Systems Pty Ltd. Stage 1 works are anticipated to be completed by the end of the 2024/2025 financial year.
Upgrades to the pump station will not only accommodate the existing stormwater flows but will be able handle, and provide expansion for, the increasing flows as Tatura continues to grow. The existing concrete structure of the pump station is in very good condition and has the capacity to house new modern pumps and the increasing flows.
A new and improved electrical transformer kiosk will also be installed as part of the works to support the new pumps and to increase the reliability of power supply to this important piece of infrastructure.
The proposed project will include the following:
Design and Construction of Margaret Street Pump Station Upgrade in 2024/2025 Financial Year
- Award of Design and Construct Contract December 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting
- Upgraded power supply works
- Design of upgraded stormwater pump station infrastructure
- Demolition, removal & disposal of existing pump station infrastructure, existing pumps, existing switch room and control.
- Installation of new switch-room and controls
- Installation of new pump Infrastructure
- Installation of new operator safety controls and walkways
What you can expect to see
Council’s contractor Aquatec, will undertake design of the Stormwater pump station upgrade. Surveyors and engineers will be present at the pump station site through February and March 2025.
Aquatec will commence the upgrade works onsite early April 2025. Site specific conditions and any identified disruptions will be relayed to all local residents and the Tatura community prior to commencing works.
Works will take place between the hours of 7am and 6pm, Monday to Friday, however there may be occasions where weekend works are required.
For further information
Please contact Council’s Project Manager on 5832 9700 or email