Cr Fern Summer

Cr Fern Summer
Cr Fern Summer

Post-graduate Diploma in Primary Care Nursing - University of Melbourne
Bachelor of Nursing - Deakin University
Graduated the Company Director Course

I am a local nurse and mother of three, who was first elected as a Councillor during 2012. I am a former Director of Kyabram District Health Service (2021-2023) and former Director of the Waste and Resource Recovery Group (2012-2016).

Greater Shepparton is a magnificent place to be. Our strong points of difference include river frontages, unique small towns, strong retail sector and innovative agricultural industries. As Greater Shepparton grows into an important regional centre, it is imperative we keep up with investment, infrastructure, services, employment and culture.

I look forward to working with other Councillors to deliver beneficial community outcomes. Our diverse backgrounds offer a variety of robust opinions and debate that best serves our municipality as a whole. Councillors have flagged interest in greater involvement in small towns, international promotion for investment, environmental sustainability, and ensuring all constituents are empowered through broad communication.

My values are transparency, collaboration and respect. As a nurse, I will take a public health approach toward Council matters and strive to bridge the gap between organisational goals and community expectations. My philosophy is that no one should be left behind.

Contact details

Phone: 0427 805 654