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Australian Botanic Gardens Shepparton - Open Day

Friends of the Australian Botanic Gardens Shepparton invite you to their annual Open Day

Sunday 26th of May, 2024, at 10:30am to 2:00pm
Australian Botanic Gardens Shepparton
Jillian Grant 0487 538 638

The annual Open Day is back!

A great day is planned to celebrate our wonderful garden together with botanic gardens throughout Australia and New Zealand.

This years theme is “More than just a garden…” and to celebrate we have Shepp Sings performing at 11am and 12pm. There is a Wattle Walk at 11.30am, between 10.30 and 2 we have Children’s Activities, Water Bug with RiverConnect and SMULG, and a Bird Display with BirdLife Murray Goulburn. To keep you going there will be a Sausage Sizzle thanks to Rotary Club of Shepparton and Coffee Van from Jam Packed Coffee, and not forgetting our ever popular Plant Sale (cash only).



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