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Creativity X Sustainability - Creative City Networking Sessions

Hosted by visual artists and sisters Meg and Rachel Doller, this Creative City Networking Session #4 will inspire creative thinking around working more sustainably.

Monday 21st of November, 2022, at 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Tatura Community House, 12-16 Casey Street, Tatura,

This event is part of the Creative City Networking Sessions, a new series of friendly, informal and free monthly sessions open to all creatives living in and around Shepparton. Connect, share knowledge and practice, and create new ideas and collaborations!

Other Creative City Networking Sessions:

Hosted by visual artists and sisters, Meg and Rachel Doller, this session will inform and inspire local creatives to think about ways we can all be working more sustainably.

There are endless possibilities for creating in sustainable ways and anyone can give it a go. Simple methods such as using recycled or found materials, producing your own inks and implements/tools, and creating collaboratively go a long way towards creating sustainably. Creating sustainably is brilliant on so many levels; it’s original, economical, environmental and beautiful.

Rachel will show you how to create a mobile or sculpture out of recycled materials. Meg will introduce home-made fugitive inks and charcoal, sharing how she uses these in her creative practice, and how you can experiment with inks and use different natural materials as tools.

A grazing board and light meal featuring seasonal, local ingredients will be prepared by a local chef from Tatura.

This session is an outcome of Greater Shepparton City Council's Creative City Strategy and has been developed in partnership with Rachel and Meg Doller.

Artworks and images courtesy of the artists Meg and Rachel Doller.


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