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Forming a River’s Edge Open Studio

Open Studio at Bunbartha Community Centre by Maggie Ellis, Rhae Kendrigan and Kris Tito

Friday 5th of April, 2024, at 10:30am to 2:30pm
Bunbartha Community Centre Barmah-Shepparton Road, Bunbartha
Shepparton Festival on 0475 208 201 or

Our creative practice aims to sensitively connect with the diverse landscapes, environments and communities of Loch Garry Wetlands.

Forming a Rivers Edge aims to hold space for individual and collective reflections on the history, ecology, contemporary challenges and impacts of flooding in these unique wetlands.

As part of this Open Studio we will share our creative research from our time spent in residence at the Loch. Community are more than welcome to pop in for a short visit and or you might like to stay for the whole open studio session.

You are also more than welcome to share photos, stories, poems and artworks. Or simply witness, or yarn about your experiences and the history of the Loch. We aim to provide a safe space for you to share, alongside our own creative research.

Your sharings will help us reflect on the Loch Garry Wetlands and how we connect with this place to form both the Public Workshop on Saturday 6 April and final Performance Sharing on Sunday 7 April.

We will provide snacks including coffee, tea, juice and biscuits, however you are more than welcome to pack a picnic lunch and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of the Bunbartha Community Centre.

You might also like to visit Loch Garry Wetlands in your own time, which is only a short 4-6 minute drive down Loch Garry Road. Be sure to use Google Maps for a full experience of the Loch and remember to drive and stay safe!


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