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Parks Victoria's Junior Rangers Program

January School Holidays are sorted with Parks Victoria's Junior Rangers! FREE and open for the whole family to attend Bookings essential.

Monday 6th , to Wednesday 22nd of January, 2025,

All activities are free.  Junior Rangers activities are designed for primary school aged children (each child must be accompanied by a parent/guardian over the age of 18 years).  Group numbers are limited, so advice is to book as early as possible.

  • Monday 6 January:  Wildlife Detective, 10.00am to 11.00am, Toolamba.  Become a Wildlife Detective by learning the secrets of the bush with a Parks Victoria ranger. Tune your senses to discover who is hiding out of sight, and use clues to find out who was in the park while no one was looking.
  • Tuesday 14 January:  Minibeast Discovery, 10.00am to 11.30am, Jordan's Bend Shepparton.  Discover a bug's world with a Parks Victoria ranger. Get to know some tiny critters, their importance in the environment and how we can care for their homes. Join a local ranger and come peer through the magnifying glasses into the world of an aquatic minibeast.
  • Wednesday 22 January:  Minibeast Discovery, 10.00am to 11.30am, Oval Bend Murchison.  Discover a bug's world with a Parks Victoria ranger. Get to know some tiny critters, their importance in the environment and how we can care for their homes. Join a local ranger and come peer through the magnifying glasses into the world of an aquatic minibeast.

Activities may be rescheduled, changed or cancelled due to adverse weather or for emergency response.  Attendees must wear sturdy closed-toe shoes and appropriate clothing, such as raincoats or a broad brimmed hat.

Bookings essential via


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