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Unlocking the Potential of Your Not-For-Profit Organisation

The needs of our communities are changing, and our organisations need to be responsive to this. In this workshop we’ll help you focus on the steps you can take to use an entrepreneurial mindset and unlock the potential of your organisation.

Tuesday 11th of June, 2024, at 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Online via Zoom

The workshop covers:

  • Evaluating current business activities for viability and future potential
  • Canvasing community and other stakeholders for business ideas and options
  • Seeking government and expert advice where appropriate
  • Identifying and analysing potential markets/ using feasibility studies
  • Creating, implementing and evaluating business plans that take account of local cultural and community requirements
  • Legal issues: what we can and can’t do
  • Inspiring case studies and where to go for help and resources

Limited spots available - bookings are essential
Please click here to book by 8am Monday 10 June 2024, or contact Council’s Community Wellbeing team on (03) 5832 9472.


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