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Victorian Seniors Festival at Shepparton Library - Uke3A Ukulele Show

Join us for an afternoon of strumming, singing and uncontrollable foot tapping with the U3A Ukulele Group! Afternoon tea will be provided. Bookings are preferred.

Tuesday 29th of October, 2024, at 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Shepparton Library, 41-43 Marungi Street, Shepparton
Shepparton Library on 1300 374 765 or

The U3A Ukulele Group has been meeting for several years and is just one of the many learning activities conducted at U3A (the University of the Third Age). The core of their programme is the Monday sessions, where they guide players on their ukulele journey. They also enjoy the opportunity to play outside their core times at events such as this GV Libraries event.


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