Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 6 May, 2020. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Acknowledge our volunteers a little differently in 2020

While COVID-19 has seen the Greater Shepparton Volunteer Recognition Awards postponed until September 2020, Council is getting creative to see our many local volunteers still recognised during National Volunteer Week.

Our community has banded together through times of crisis in 2020, and we have seen a significant lift in volunteerism in this time.

National Volunteer Week will run from 18-24 May in 2020, and Council is encouraging residents to acknowledge those who volunteer their time, so they can be recognised with a virtual ‘thank you’.

Those who have been recognised will then feature on a dedicated volunteer page on Council’s website, with many of them also set to feature on Council’s Facebook page, so they can be recognised by the wider community.

Submitting a thank you is straightforward; just submit your name, email address, the name of the volunteer or group you are recognising and your thank you message. Images are welcome to be submitted, and would be preferred.

“This year’s theme for National Volunteer Week is Changing Communities. Changing Lives,” Mayor Cr Seema Abdullah said.

“If you know someone who has not only changed Greater Shepparton for the better, but changed someone’s life for the better, please head to Council’s website and submit your thank you message.

“It is extremely important now more than ever that we recognise, celebrate and give thanks to our volunteers. Our community has banded together to fight through this COVID-19 pandemic, and we can’t thank you enough.

“To all volunteers, we thank you. Your contributions never go unnoticed.”

Submissions will close Friday 29 May, 2020.

For further information, or for the submission form, click here.

Council staff are available to provide support to anyone who has any questions about the thank you submissions for National Volunteer Week, you can make contact by email or phone 03 5832 9479.


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