Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 20 June, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council program wins Victorian innovation award

Greater Shepparton City Council’s 'Activities in the Park' program won the Aquatics and Recreation Victoria (ARV) Innovative Program Award at an event last Friday 13 June in Melbourne.

The Activities in the Park program was developed by the Greater Shepparton City Council's Active Living department, as part of the Get Mooving Greater Shepparton initiative. The program provides a range of free activities for Greater Shepparton residents and visitors, encouraging people to engage with their community, be outdoors and physically active.

The most recent Activities in the Park program was held between October 2013 and March 2014, and saw 150 free activities delivered throughout Greater Shepparton with the support of sponsors Tatura Milk, Unilever, Parks Victoria and the Furphy Foundry.

Activities ranging from fitness classes such as Body Balance and Yoga, to Kite Making, Canoeing, Summer Film Festivals, Fun Runs, Circus Skills Workshops, Fishing in the Park and Family Bike Rides, were attended by 6,450 participants.
The ARV Awards are an annual event that invites all those involved in the aquatics and recreation industries to submit nominations for staff, facilities and programs. The ARV Industry Awards recognise and reward outstanding achievement and commitment to the industry.

The Innovative Program Award recognises innovative facility-based community recreation programs using aquatic or land based activities that are enhancing the wellbeing of the local community. The award highlights increased opportunities for participating and supports behavioural change to a healthier lifestyle, or other health and social benefits.

Greater Shepparton City Council's Director Community, Kaye Thomson, said the Victorian award was important recognition of Council's commitment to providing opportunities for improving community health and wellbeing.

"Activities in the Park is a successful program that brings fun and fitness together in a way that is inclusive for people that may not become involved in more traditional sporting or fitness programs," she said. "The Program encourages people to get together with others and enjoy some leisure time with fun activities."

This is the second time the Active Living Department has landed an "Innovative Program Award" the last time being back in 2010 for the 'Greater Shepparton On the Moove Twilight Stroll'.


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