Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 20 June, 2019. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Activities in the Park - School Holidays Activity Program - A celebration of NAIDOC Week

Greater Shepparton City Council’s Activities in the Park: School Holiday Activities Program will take on a NAIDOC Week theme between 1-12 July.

With NAIDOC Week taking place during the school holidays, the team has developed a number of free and low cost activities in the school holiday program that support Aboriginal knowledge, culture and business.

The program will provide an opportunity for families to learn about the rich Aboriginal culture and history throughout Greater Shepparton.

Activities such as ‘Traditional Indigenous Games’ with ASHE, ‘Badja Bayaderra, Story Time in the Park’, ‘Clay Turtles’ and ‘Signs and Symbols’ will be as informative and educational as they will be fun.

Council Mayor Cr Kim O’Keeffe said it is important to continue to educate the region’s younger generations on Aboriginal culture and history.

“We want the children of Greater Shepparton to know how crucial it is to understand and acknowledge Aboriginal culture,” Cr O’Keeffe said.

“The activity program our team has put together offers a great balance between entertainment and fun, and learning about Australia’s history.

“We had a great response to National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week last month and we expect NAIDOC Week to be similar.”

Organisations wanting to get involved in the Activities in the Park program to facilitate activities that promote arts, culture, food, physical activity or the environment are encouraged to contact Council’s Healthy Communities Branch on (03) 5832 9431.

For more information visit, like ‘Get Mooving Greater Shepparton’ on Facebook, download our free Get Mooving app or contact Healthy Communities on (03) 5832 9431.

Activity Profiles

Active kid’s Bootcamp – Free/low cost activity: A fun-filled 60 minute activity session. Aimed at primary school aged children and will incorporate a mixture of fun and physical activities.

Traditional Indigenous Games – Free activity: Join ASHE, as they bring you a wide array of Traditional Indigenous games that have been played for hundreds of years. A fun-filled two hour learning experience for the whole family.

Badja Bayaderra, Story Time in the Park – Free activity: Have you ever wanted to learn how to understand and speak traditional Yorta Yorta language? This is an educational story telling session spoken in both English and Yorta Yorta language, held in the rainforest area at KidsTown Shepparton.

KidsTown Treasure Hunt/Active Kids – Free activity: Enjoy a fun and interactive ‘Amazing Race’ based around the KidsTown playground. Test your knowledge and ability on a range of brain teasers and puzzles.

Mini River Olympics – Free activity: Join RiverConnect in a fun relay of educational games where children and families are put together in small teams, and compete in a range of mini games and activities that relate to nature and the environment. 

Kaiela Turtle Making – Free activity: Kaiela Arts brings a workshop that allows individuals to get creative while learning about Indigenous culture and heritage. Turtle tile making gives you the chance to create your own unique art design and learn about what the turtle represents in indigenous culture. 

Kaiela Signs and Symbols – Free activity: Kaiela Arts will provide children with the opportunity to learn about the ancient Aboriginal signs and symbols, used to tell stories through art. Learn to read ancient Aboriginal signs and symbols, then create your own visual language and leave a message in the earth.

SAM sensory/messy play – Free/Low cost activity: Have you ever thought about using everyday items in a different and creative way? SAM has created an activity for you, using items that range from pool noodles, slime, shaving cream and jelly to create fun activities.

Skateboarding Victoria – Low cost activity: Activities in the Park and Valley Sport have partnered with Skateboarding Victoria to bring a fun and interactive teaching experience at the Shepparton Skate Park. This activity will teach you a range of new skills and abilities that beginners can use to help develop their skateboarding skills. 

For further information on any of the activities, please contact 5832 9431.


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