Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 6 May, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Advocating for Greater Shepparton as part of national Regional Capitals Inquiry

Greater Shepparton City Council and Committee for Greater Shepparton have seized the opportunity to state Greater Shepparton’s case as part of the federal government’s senate inquiry into the future role and contribution of regional capitals to Australia.

On 11 February 2015, the Australian Senate moved that the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee hold an inquiry into whether regional cities are receiving the required level of government investment in supporting the sustainability of the nation’s regional capitals.

The inquiry comprises the opportunity to provide written submissions and a series of public hearings, with a final report to be provided to the Senate by 1 December 2015.

Submissions were due on April 30 and both Council and the Committee for Greater Shepparton capitalised on the opportunity to state the case for Greater Shepparton.

“It is with much enthusiasm that Greater Shepparton City Council provided a submission to the inquiry”, explains Council CEO Gavin Cator. “Shepparton is the largest regional city in northern Victoria supporting several municipalities, and is nationally recognised as a key part of the Food Bowl of Australia. Despite this level of importance, Council has for some time been of the view that the critically important strategic role of Greater Shepparton as the economic base serving a large regional catchment is not fully understood across government. The timing of the inquiry is perfect for us, as we can continue to highlight the much needed investment for such projects as the GV Health and CBD re-developments, the Goulburn Valley Shepparton By-pass and greatly improved passenger rail services between Shepparton and Melbourne.”

“The Committee for Greater Shepparton commends the Australian Senate in initiating this inquiry into the importance of regional capitals,” said Committee CEO Mat Nelson. “Having the opportunity to provide a submission enables the Standing Committee to have a first-hand understanding of the real challenges, needs and opportunities confronting Greater Shepparton in preparing to meet the increasing and changing demands of the population, economy and physical environment. The Committee believes that our region can make a significant additional contribution to the Victorian and Australian economies and in doing so we do require a certain level of government support, which often forms part of our activities.”

As part of the inquiry, both Council and the Committee for Greater Shepparton have extended an invitation to the Senate Standing Committee to host a public hearing in Shepparton. This will provide an opportunity for key organisations and regional leaders to present on matters not only pertaining to inquiry but issues that are specifically relevant to Greater Shepparton.

Hosting a visit will enable Council and the Committee for Greater Shepparton to demonstrate some of the changes occurring within the Greater Shepparton landscape and the productivity enabling infrastructure that is required to sustain our growth, while highlighting exciting opportunities that are emerging across our region.


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