Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 29 June, 2022. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Aerodrome development decision

Greater Shepparton City Council endorsed the recommendation to object to two planning applications to redevelop land to the east of the Shepparton Aerodrome for residential housing subdivisions at Tuesday’s Council Meeting.

Council is the owner of the Shepparton Aerodrome and the referral authority under the Greater Shepparton Planning Scheme. The parcels of land in question are to the east of the Shepparton Aerodrome and were the two developments listed in the recommendation before Council.

One request was an extension of time for an existing subdivision permit whilst the other was for a new subdivision. Under the provisions of the Greater Shepparton Planning Scheme and in accordance with section 55 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, a decision on the referrals is required in Council’s capacity as the owner of the Shepparton Aerodrome and as a determining referral authority for applications within the Airport Environs Overlay (AEO) under the Scheme.

The AEO is a noise-based overlay which triggers the need for a permit for any development to ensure that development is not detrimental to the future of the Aerodrome and to protect the amenity of residents from adverse impacts due to noise.

The Council report stated that both of these applications pose further encroachment on the Aerodrome boundaries therefore increasing risk to safety and hindering any potential future upgrades of the Aerodrome. One of these matters has now been referred to VCAT and requires a formal response by 27 June 2022.

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Shane Sali said further development encroachment on the Aerodrome and its operations may impact Council’s ability to provide a safe and compliant Aerodrome and may hinder any potential future upgrades to the facility.

“Under the 2050 Shepparton-Mooroopna Regional City Growth Plan it has been identified that Shepparton does need to be able to cater for future growth, we know that our population will continue to expand and it is important we support appropriate development,” said Cr Sali.

“Allowing development along the aerodrome fence line may affect the amenity of those who decide to live in those areas,” he said.  


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