Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 8 April, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Andrew Fairley Avenue proposed road closure

Dear members of our community, On behalf of my fellow Councillors, I would like to take the opportunity to fully explain the process that has to be undertaken in order to consider SPC Ardmona’s (SPCA) request to close Andrew Fairley Avenue to make the required improvements to their operations.

The formal request by SPCA to Council to consider the closure of Andrew Fairley Avenue was received on the 14th of February 2014. SPCA has said these improvements need to commence in June 2014 in order to be completed by December, before the next harvest season commences.

Based on these timelines a decision regarding the future of Andrew Fairley Avenue needs to be made at the May Council meeting at the latest.

In outlining the decision making process that needs to be undertaken, firstly, I would like to say that no decision has been made on the proposal. While the motion made in the March council meeting used the term "intention to close Andrew Fairley Avenue", this is in accordance with the provisions of section 206 and clause 3 of schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 1989 which enables council to undertake a community consultation process so an informed decision can be made.

The Act specifies Council must provide a date of not less than 28 days after publication of the Public Notice for comments to be submitted. We are currently seeking comments from the community with a deadline for submissions of Monday 21 April.
As per the motion, a committee comprising all councillors has been formed to consider all written submissions. A person making a submission is entitled to request in their submission be formally heard. A meeting of Council to hear submissions on the proposed closure will occur at 5:30pm on Tuesday 29 April 2014.

Giving public notice of the intention to close Andrew Fairley Avenue has provided Council with the opportunity to commission much needed traffic studies, again to assist with the decision making. Two traffic studies are currently underway to look at the potential impacts of any redistribution of traffic and what the infrastructure requirements may be if the road was to be closed. The outcomes of these studies will be made available to the community upon completion.

As part of the process Council is also required to consult with VicRoads in regard to traffic impacts on the Midland Highway and New Dookie Road, which fall under their management.

The process that is being undertaken enables Council to consider all information prior to making a decision.

I encourage you to have your say by participating in the community consultation process. You can respond to the proposal as advertised on our website you will find the document on the home page under "Have your say". Make sure you get your response, in writing, to Council by Monday 21 April 2014.

Yours sincerely
Cr Jenny Houlihan
Mayor, Greater Shepparton City Council

To lodge a submission please visit 

For more information from SPCA on their proposal you can visit their website 


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