The announcement follows on from previous access gained allowing Australian nectarines into China, as well as building on the momentum generated through the Free Trade Agreement between China and Australia.
“This announcement is especially satisfying as Council, along with State and Federal Governments, have been working diligently in advocating to both the Australian and Chinese authorities to prioritise stone fruit export protocols as a matter of urgency”, explains Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor Cr Dinny Adem.
“Whilst we were encouraged that these conversations were positive, this announcement has come ahead of our expectations and has the ability to initiate a major boom for the Goulburn Valley fruit industry and our entire regional economy.
“Within the Goulburn Valley we produce 70 per cent of the national peach crop, 49 per cent of the national plum crop and 43 per cent of the national apricot crop. This announcement will no doubt deliver enormous benefits to our stone fruit growers, and with the stone fruit season fast approaching it is perfect timing for the region,” suggests Cr Adem.