Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 28 October, 2019. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Balaclava Road / Verney Road / New Dookie Road / Hawdon Street Intersection Upgrade

Update 25 October 2019

Stage One Works

Jarvis Delahey Contractors Pty Ltd continues to make good progress on the northern side of the intersection with Stage One completion on track for mid-November 2019.

The Contractor has completed all drainage works for Stage One with pedestrian fencing and the installation of footpath tactile ground surface indicators currently being installed.  The installation of new kerb and channel is approximately 90 per cent finished with a small amount remaining to be completed on the east side of the Ash Street link road. 

Construction of the road sub-base is progressing well with minimal weather impacts having been encountered.  Approximately 40 per cent of this work has been completed.

North side infrastructure for the traffic signals has also been installed as part of this stage; however, these will not be operational until Stage Two is completed in approximately April / May 2020.  In the meantime, the temporary traffic lights will remain to control traffic movements through the intersection.

Upcoming works

Stage 1 – North side of Intersection Construction

  • Completion of road pavement construction
  • Installation of deep lift asphalt pavement
  • Completion of the installation of pedestrian fences and signs
  • Roadways line-marking

Stage 2 – Southside of the intersection commencing mid-November 2019

  • Establishment of exclusion zones in accordance with the Traffic Management and Pedestrian Management Plans
  • Relocation of water main in New Dookie Road between Glenn Street and Wheeler Street, Shepparton – these works are anticipated to be completed by the end of December 2019
  • Relocation of water main in Balaclava Road between Hawdon Street and Clive Street, Shepparton – these works are anticipated to be completed by end of December 2019

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